Path of Muhammad ﷺ: A Book on Islamic Morals and Ethics

(Spiritual Classics) Paperback – 1 Mar. 2005
by Imam Birgivi (Author), Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti (Editor)

About the Author
Imam Birgivi was a 16th century Sufi scholar whose influence on Islamic morals and ethics continues to this day. This book is still being used as a text in many of the most important faculties of theology and in universities of many Muslim countries. In our day, which is characterised by a great misunderstanding of Islam, this outline of the ideal Islamic society as it was at the time of the Prophet Muhammad is especially pertinent. Through recourse to traditional sources, Imam Birgivi portrays the beauty and depth of the prophet’s character and in so doing he provides an example for all Muslims. Because these virtues are of universal importance and pertain to man as such, this book offers a path of wisdom for all believers of all faiths.

In our day, which is characterized by a great misunderstanding of Islam, this work outlines the ideal of an Islamic society at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.