Rajab Amaals

What Can One Do in the Month of Rajab?

Sincerity is not about abandoning your spiritual practices, intentions, or acts of worship. Instead, it is about continuously striving or at least maintaining the intention to persevere.

The month of Rajab is a special opportunity to renew and strengthen your connection with Allah, the Almighty. If your relationship with Him has been broken, weakened, or tainted, this is the time to repair it. Rajab is the month in which Allah chose His beloved Prophet ﷺ for the miraculous journey of Mi’raj. Why not use this month for your own spiritual elevation, to turn back to Him with sincerity and devotion?

This blessed month offers an unparalleled opportunity to draw closer to Allah. It is a time to repent, weep with regret, express gratitude, and remember Him through praise and worship—all of which are readily accepted by Allah in this sacred time.

If you find yourself struggling on the spiritual path, begin with sincere tawbah (repentance) and seek forgiveness for your shortcomings. A recommended practice during Rajab is to offer 2 Rak‘ahs of Salat al-Tawbah (the prayer of repentance) and then recite the following:
• 10 times Salawat (durood) upon the Prophet ﷺ
• 7 times the special Rajab prayer for forgiveness (Astaghfirullah Rabbī min kulli dhambin wa atūbu ilayh)
• 10 times the third Kalimah (Subhānallāhi walhamdulillāhi wa lā ilāha illallāhu wallāhu akbar)
• 10 times Salawat upon the Prophet ﷺ

While reciting these, imagine the burden of sins being lifted from you and the light of supplication bringing you closer to Allah, the Most Merciful, drawing you nearer to His presence.

Let us use this sacred month to turn back to Him, shed tears of repentance, and seek proximity to Allah with hearts full of sincerity and hope.

Dua of Forgiveness

Rajab & Shaban

Hazrat Ibn Abbas said whoever recites the below dua 7 times in the month of Rajab & Sh’aban everyday


I seek forgiveness from Allah the great besides which there is no one who can forgive.

He is Everlasting, by him everything exists. I turn to him repenting from my sins because I’ve done injustice to myself, I am an injustice person.

I have oppresssed myself, whilst I’ve oppressed myself I realised I do not own my own body; I’ve been abusing it.

I don’t own death (meaning when it comes, it comes) and life or getting up is all in the hands of Allah.

So Allah I repent to you because I won’t have control over these things.

Allah sends a message to the two angels who write the deeds, to tear away the book of sins of this servant that he has done up to now

Amaals to be performed in Rajab and Shaman

In preparation for the month of Ramadhan, comes Rajab and Sha’ban.
Here is a reminder and purpose of these months.


  • 70,000 times Tasbih of Kalima, (to reach the target we should aim to recite at least 2500 tasbih daily)
  • Salatul Tawabah

  • 2 Rakats (daily)
  • After the prayer, recite

    • 10x Durood
    • 7x Dua of forgiveness for Rajab (above)
    • 10x 3rd Kalima‎


    • 10x Durood